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Matrix44CreateOrthographicOffCenter(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Matrix44) Method

Creates a new projection Matrix44 for customized orthographic view.

Namespace: CFX.Structures.Geometry
Assembly: CFX (in CFX.dll) Version: 1.7.3
public static void CreateOrthographicOffCenter(
	double left,
	double right,
	double bottom,
	double top,
	double zNearPlane,
	double zFarPlane,
	out Matrix44 result


left  Double
Lower x-value at the near plane.
right  Double
Upper x-value at the near plane.
bottom  Double
Lower y-coordinate at the near plane.
top  Double
Upper y-value at the near plane.
zNearPlane  Double
Depth of the near plane.
zFarPlane  Double
Depth of the far plane.
result  Matrix44
The new projection Matrix44 for customized orthographic view as an output parameter.
See Also