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AmqpCFXEndpointOpen(String, IPAddress, Int32, X509Certificate2) Method

Opens and inintializes the Endpoint. This should be called only once prior to closing the endpoint.

Namespace: CFX.Transport
Assembly: CFX (in CFX.dll) Version: 1.7.3
public void Open(
	string cfxHandle,
	IPAddress requestAddress,
	int requestPort = 5672,
	X509Certificate2 certificate = null


cfxHandle  String
The unique CFX Handle for this endpoint.
requestAddress  IPAddress
The IP address on which this endpoint will listen for incoming requests.
requestPort  Int32  (Optional)
The TCP port on which this endpoint will listen for incoming requests. Default is 5672.
certificate  X509Certificate2  (Optional)
An X509 certificate that has been loaded from the certificate store. This is optional, and only must be set when using secure, encrypted AMQPS
See Also