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CFX.Production.Assembly.PressInsertion Namespace

Public classConditionCompleted Sent by a press insertion machine when a condition has been completed
  "TransactionID": "2c24590d-39c5-4039-96a5-91900cecedfa",
Public classGetConditionPermissionRequest This message is used to request a process endpoint for permission to proceed with the recipe based on the results of a condition sequence action
  "TransactionId": "7e712504-4d65-499f-9dcb-1974e20bae59",
  "ConditionStep": {}
  "Data": {}
Public classGetConditionPermissionResponse This message is used to grant or reject permission for a process endpoint to proceed with the recipe based on the results of a condition sequence action.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": null
  "TransactionId": "7e712504-4d65-499f-9dcb-1974e20bae59",
  "ConditionStep": {}