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CFX.Structures.PCBInspection Namespace

Data structures related to Inspection of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB's)
Public classBoard A board typically is part of a (multi-)panel and may contain fiducials, components (an even sub-boards). It is an inspection object itself, too (with features on its own).
Public classComponent A component as a resistor, capacitor, IC, ... Typically has (two or more) pins (as its "children").
Public classFeature A feature/charcteristic/property/attribute (of a panel, board, componemnt, etc.) to check.
Public classFeatureFloatValue Representation of a float value.
Public classFeatureIntValue Representation of an integer value.
Public classFeatureStringValue Representation of a string value.
Public classFeatureValue It is cleaner to have several subclasses with specific value type (float and int in addition to string).
Public classFiducial Fiducial mark for justification (position and orientation) of panels/boards.
Public classGeometricObject The geometry of a component (board, resistor, capacitor, pin, ...).
Public classInspectionObject Representing a physical object (panel, board, component, fiducial, pin) with features to check during inspection.
Public classOffsetMeasurement Describes the results of measurements that were made on the position of a specific PCB component.
Public classPanel The root element for the CFX recipe export.
Public classPCBInspectionRecipe Represents a specialized type of recipe that is used to drive the inspection of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) by a piece of inspection equipment (such as an AOI or SPI machine), or by a human inspector.
Public classPin The pins of a component (typically two on resistors, many more on ICs).