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CFXEnvelope Properties

The CFXEnvelope type exposes the following members.

Public propertyMessageBody The message payload (The CFX message enclosed in this envelope).
Public propertyMessageName The fully qualified name of the CFX message contained within the envelope. For example, "CFX.Production.WorkStarted"
Public propertyRequestID For request/response type messages, this is a globally unique id which identifies a specific request/response pairing. Each request/response pairing will have a unique and matching RequestId.
Public propertySource The CFX Handle of the creator/publisher of this message.
Public propertyTarget For request/response type messages, this is the CFX Handle of the endpoint to which the request is being made.
Public propertyTimeStamp The date and time when the event associated with this CFX message took place, NOT the time when the message was transmitted. The format must include the time zone, whether expressed in local time or UTC.
Public propertyUniqueID A globally unique ID used to identify this particualar message instance. This ID is used to ensure messages are not processed more than once. It is also used in cases where the receiver needs to identify the specific message that is being replied to.
Public propertyVersion The version of the CFX message contained within the payload of this envelope. This is the version number (revision) of the published standard.
See Also