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UnitsInspected Properties

The UnitsInspected type exposes the following members.

Public propertyInspectedPanel

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.6 **

Optional: this would represent the entire PCB panel that is undergoing the inspection process
Public propertyInspectedUnits A list of the units that were inspected, along with the inspections made, and inspection results.
Public propertyInspectionMethod Describes how the inspections were performed
Public propertyInspector Identifies the person who performed the inspections, or operator of the automated equipment that performed the inspections (optional)
Public propertyRecipeName The name of the recipe used to perform the inspection(s) for this transaction (may include full path, if applicable).
Public propertyRecipeRevision An optional Revision Number of the recipe used to perform the inspection(s) for this transaction.
Public propertySamplingInformation Describes the sampling method that was used during the inspections (if any)
Public propertyTransactionId The id of the work transaction with which this inspection session is associated.
See Also