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AmqpCFXEndpoint Properties

The AmqpCFXEndpoint type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCFXHandle Returns the CFXHandle of the endpoint currently associated with this AMQP endpoint.
Public propertyStatic memberCodec Sets the codec used to transmit messages across the wire, including the newly introduced GZIP Compressed Codec, which is now the default.
Public propertyStatic memberDurableMessages The AMQP 1.0 message framing header includes a "Durable" property that notifies recipients that this message should be maintained in durable storage on the message broker until delivered to all recipients, surviving broker system restarts. When this property is set to true, all messages published by the endpoint will be tagged with the Durable framing header. The default value is true.
Public propertyStatic memberDurableReceiverSetting Establishes the value of the Durable framing header flag for subscription channels. Different brokers will interprety this value differently. Refer to your broker documentation to determine how to set this flag. The default setting is 1 (which signals to RabbitMQ that durable messages should be removed from their queue once successfully delivered to this endpoint).
Public propertyHeartbeatFrequency The AmqpCFXEndpoint class automatically publishies CFX Heartbeat messages on 1 minute intervals by default. You can adjust this frequency using this property. If set to zero (0), automatic publication of Heartbeat messages will be disabled. The minimum frequency is 1 second and the maximum frequency is 5 minutes.
Public propertyIsOpen Read-only property indicating whether or not the endpoint is in an open state.
Public propertyStatic memberKeepAliveEnabled When enabled, the endpoint will automatically refresh (disconnect/reconnect) all of its subscription channels. This is to prevent brokers from timing out the connection when the channel has been dormant for a period of time. The default setting is 60 seconds.
Public propertyStatic memberKeepAliveInterval If keep alive is enabled, this property specifies the time period between keep alive reconnects.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxFrameSize Used by the AMQP protocol to establish the maximum number of bytes to transmit per "frame" (aka "chunk"). Larger messages may be broken down into multiple frames if their size exceeds the max frame size. The default size is 500,000 bytes.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxMessagesPerTransmit When applicable, the endpoint will attempt to publish multiple messages in one AMQP transaction. This is done to maximize effeciency. This property sets the maximum number of messages that may be grouped together in a single AMQP message. The default value is 30 messages.
Public propertyStatic memberReconnectInterval The time interval between attempts to reconnect publish or subscriber channels after a network interruption. The default setting is false.
Public propertyStatic memberRequestTimeout When executing a point to point request/response call to another CFX endpoint, this time span specifies the maximum amount of time that this endpoint will wait for the other endpoint to respond before timing out. The default is 30 seconds.
Public propertyRequestUri Returns the Uri currently being used to accept incoming CFX requests for this endpoint
Public propertySubjectFormat Establishes the format for the subject property of the AMQP message envelope on all messages published by this endpoint. The following tags may be used in the format string:
  • ${cfx-handle} Will be replaced with the handle of your endpoint (CFXEnvelope.Source}
  • ${cfx-topic} Will be replaced with the topic of the message ("CFX.Production" for example)
  • ${cfx-messagename} Will be replaced with the fully qualified name of the message ("CFX.Production.WorkStarted" for example)
If this property is null or an empty string, the default subject format will be utilized: "${cfx-handle}.${cfx-messagename}"
Public propertyValidateCertificates If set to false, certificate validation will be disabled. This should only be used for testing purposes when a valid, commercial SSL certificate is not available for testing.
See Also