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Image Class

A data structure that representing a two dimensional image, in the designated MIME format.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CFX.Structures
Assembly: CFX (in CFX.dll) Version: 1.7.3
public class Image

The Image type exposes the following members.

Public methodImage Default constructor
Public propertyImageData If TransferMode is FileTransferMode.InBand, this property is the binary representation of the image. Otherwise, this property should be NULL.
Public propertyImageURL

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.4 **

For image transfers using FileTransferMode.OutOfBand, this property contains a secure hyperlink (URL) that may be used to download the image payload data. Otherwise, this property should be NULL. Only encrypted, secure protocols (eg. https:// , sftp:// , etc) should be used for out of band transfers. The CFX standard does not define any specific protcol for out of band transfers, so end-users are free to use a secure protocol of their choosing. URL's may contain authentication information using industry standard URL formatting (eg. https://[username]:[password] ). Other forms of authentication, such as file access tokens and keys as URL parameters, are also acceptable. CFX is flexible, and supports any encryption scheme, protocol, and authentication mechanism where all data information necessary to access the data file securely can be contained in standard URL format.
Public propertyMimeType The MIME type of the binary image data contained by the ImageData property.
Public propertyTransferMode

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.4 **

Specifies the mode of transfer. Image data may be transferred within the CFX messages themselves (In-Band), or transferred via a separate secure protocol (Out-of-Band), such as HTTPS, SFTP, etc. Direct, in-band file transfer is not recommended for larger data files. Many AMQP message broker platforms limit the maximum total message size of an AMQP message. Microsoft's Azure message bus, for example, limits messages to 256KB for a standard subscription, and 1MB for a premium subscription. RabbitMQ recommends limiting messages to 128MB or less. Use OutOfBand transfer for larger file sizes.
See Also