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MaterialPackageDetail Class

Describes detailed information about a particular material package (instance of material that is tracked, stocked, and used within the factory environment.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CFX.Structures
Assembly: CFX (in CFX.dll) Version: 1.7.3
public class MaterialPackageDetail

The MaterialPackageDetail type exposes the following members.

Public methodMaterialPackageDetail Default constructor
Public propertyBatchId Gets or sets the batch identifier.
There is material in the factory where not each material unit is identifiable. This is the case for Trays for example. Trays are delivered as a batch of trays. But each tray does not have a unique ID, only the batch of trays has a unique ID. In this case, we assume that the unique Batch ID is in the property BatchID and each tray which is been mounted will get a temporary UniqueIdentifier as long as it is been mounted on the machine. See BatchMaterialPackage for more details.

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.5 **

Public propertyCreated The date / time when this material package was introduced into the factory environment
Public propertyExpiryDate Gets or sets the expiry date of this material package based on manufacture definitions.
Public propertyGreyZone Gets or sets the grey zone.
This specifies the grey zone between 2 material packages. A grey zone is a zone where the placement system can not determine where the switch between 2 material packages has been taken place. Therefore the system tracks both material packages. The quality of the GreyZone is driven by the process the customer is operating and if the feeder are using optional splice sensor detectors or not. Background is, that some sensors can detect the splice plate and the splice plate has a length which covers a number of components which hide the real end of tape. Therefore the verifcation system will report a greyzone between the "leading package" and the "trailing" in the chain. The greyzone will be maintained typically by the machine, based on the feeder configuration. When the feeder has a sploice sensor the grey zone will be calculated when the sensor detects the splice, and will be adjusted when components are consumed. When the greyzone reached zero, the "leading" package will be consumed and the chain will be modified by removing the "leading" package from the chain, resulting in the next package in the chain becoming the new "leading" package.
This sample scenarion explains the data change when consuming the material with a feeder with sensor:
ActionDescriptionResulting ChainGreyzone
InitalMaterial with a defined quantity is mounted.A (100)0
ProductionMaterial will be consumed during production (20 components).A (80)0
SplicingNew Material will be spliced to the mounted material.B(200) -> A (80)0
ProductionMaterial will be consumed during production (50 components).B(200) -> A (30)0
Splice detectedFeeder detects the splice and calculated the grey zone (here 10) and adjust the quantity because sensor overrules filling level information. Event will be triggered, that a quantity correction has been performed. B(200) -> A (0)10
Production Material will be consumed during production (5 components). The material in the pickup location has a quantity of zero. The chain will be not be modified, because the greyzone is not zero. The material B will be consumed. B(195) -> A(0)5
Production Material will be consumed during production ( components). The material in the pickup location has a quantity of zero. The chain will be modified, because the greyzone is zero. The material A will be consumed. An event will be send, that the mateiral A is been consumed. B(190)0
ProductionMaterial will be consumed during production (50 components).B(140) 0

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.5 **

Public propertyHazardousMaterialType Specifies whether or not a material is hazardous, and if so, the regulatory directive that controls the use of this substance in production.
Public propertyInitialQuantity The initial quantity of material contained within this material package at the time when it was initialized / introduced into the factory environment
Public propertyInternalPackageName The internal package name of the material package

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.5 **

Public propertyInternalPartNumber The internal part number of the material contained within this material package
Public propertyManufactureDate The date / time when this material was originally manufactured by the manufacturer
Public propertyManufacturer The name of the manufacturer of this material
Public propertyManufacturerLotCode The lot code applied to this batch of material by the original manufacturer of the material
Public propertyManufacturerPartNumber The part number of the material as it is known to the original manufacturer of the material
Public propertyMaterialData Optional dynamic structure containing specialized information about this material package. For example, if the material package contains moisture sensitive devices, this would contain additional information specific to MSD material handling (exposure time, etc.).
Public propertyPackagingInfo The unit of the price of a part in the material package

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.5 **

Public propertyPartPrice The price of a part in the material package

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.5 **

Public propertyPartPriceUnit The unit of the price of a part in the material package

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.5 **

Public propertyQuantity The quantity of material presently contained within this material package
Public propertyReceivedDate The date / time when this material was received into the factory
Public propertyResourceLocation

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.7 **

The ResourceLocation on which the material is located (optional) If null, it is assumed that the Resource is the one associated to the source Endpoint
Public propertyStatus The current status of this material package
Public propertyUniqueIdentifier The unique identifier of the material package
Public propertyUnits The unit of measure for this material (items, liters, meters, grams, etc.) Only valid SI units of measure should be utilized
Public propertyVendor The name of the supplier from whom the material was purchased / supplied.
Public propertyVendorPartNumber The part number of the material as it is known to the supplier or vendor of the material
Public methodToMaterialPackage Helper method which converts the more detailed MaterialPackageDetail structure to the simplified MaterialPackage structure.

** NOTE: ADDED in CFX 1.5 **

See Also